“Courts-métrages” B1+ with Julia | 25W1 | In-person | Monday 11:30am-1pm
In-person class! This class is intended for those students who already have a good grasp of the basics and are seeking to improve their listening comprehension and conversational fluency.
Révision de Grammaire B1/B2 with Julia | 25W1 | Online | Tuesday 5:30 – 6:30pm
This class is for students who have a good grammar base but could benefit from some additional practice including conjugation of the most used tenses, negation, correct pronoun usage and placement, distinguishing between the past tenses, si clauses, etc.
Early Intermediate B1 with Marie-Pierre | 25W1 | Online | Wednesday 6 – 7:30pm
Early Intermediate French B1: Students will improve their language skills through speaking, grammar exercises, news podcasts, reading selections and short films.
Early Intermediate B1 with Lisa | 25W1 | In-person | Thursday 1:30 – 3:00pm
Early Intermediate French B1: Students will improve their language skills through speaking, grammar exercises, news podcasts, reading selections and short films.
“Les Beaux Châteaux de France” B1+ with Gigi | 25W2 | Online | Monday 10 – 11 am
La France est très célèbre pour ses châteaux magnifiques, originaux et insolites. Voici une sélection par style historique et architectural, offrant une expérience unique dans différentes époques de l’histoire française.