
Become a Member !

  • Membership in the Alliance Française of Santa Rosa is essential in order for us to continually offer high quality French language courses, and cultural events to our members.
  • The membership fee is valid for 12 months, and may be eligible as a tax deduction. Please consult your tax advisor
  • In addition to eligibility to participate in our French language instructional programs, membership privileges include, a vast media library online called Culturethèque, offering enormous resources to access French language books, periodicals, podcasts, games, music, and videos for ALL ages, free or discounted admission to various cultural and leisure activities, and discounts on goods and services from various companies and local organizations.

Regular Members

Business Partners

Promote your business to our 700+ friends & members, active patrons of the travel, food & hospitality industries. As a business partner, we offer you the opportunity to connect with our audience while supporting our cultural programs.


Alliance Française of Santa Rosa

1011 2nd Street, #206
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 543-8151
More contact, location, & classrooms info

Mailing address:

1275 4th Street, #231
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

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