Révision de Grammaire B1/B2 with Julia | 25W1 | Online | Tuesday 5:30 – 6:30pm


Winter Session I – January 7 through February 25, 2025

  • Day and Time:  Tuesdays, 5:30 – 6:30pm
  • Location: Online (Zoom)
  • Instructor: Julia Fornage
  • Tuition: $160 (8 weeks) or $140 (7 weeks)

This class is for students who have a good grammar base but could benefit from some additional practice including conjugation of the most used tenses, negation, correct pronoun usage and placement, distinguishing between the past tenses, si clauses, etc.

Depending on the desires and abilities of the class, we may also delve into lesser studied aspects of grammar like the past subjunctive, double pronouns, agreement with composed tenses, etc.

Each week, students will have a few pages of grammar exercises to complete at home that we’ll correct in class. I’m open to any and all suggestions as to what aspects of grammar we study.

Class will be conducted in French and English.


Textbook : Grammaire progressive du français, intermédiaire
Grammaire progressive du francais – Niveau intermédiaire A2B1 – LIVRE – 4ème edition – 450 nouveaux tests (French Edition); Amazon.

Additional information

Lesson Option

All Lesson, Deduct One Lesson


Alliance Française of Santa Rosa

1011 2nd Street, #206
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 543-8151
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1275 4th Street, #231
Santa Rosa, CA 95404

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