“Influence of the French language and culture on Vietnam” B1+ | Online | Saturday, April 13 at 10-11:30am

Event Details

Curious about French Colonial influences in Vietnam? Gigi Kuhn, French Instructor for AF Santa Rosa and AF Chicago North Shore, will share her personal experience as a Vietnamese born, French native speaker.

Born in the former capital, Saigon, into a bilingual household, where French and Vietnamese were equally spoken, Gigi will discuss how her dual heritage shaped her desire to embrace multilingualism and experience the world.

She will present why Vietnam is an attractive destination to explore, and the profound impact of the French presence on Vietnamese food, language, and culture to current day. (Cultural workshop in French, B1 level minimum)

Day and Time: Saturday, April 13, 2024, at 10:00 – 11:30 am

Location: Online Zoom

Instructor: Gigi Kuhn

Cost: $30 members  / $40 non-members