Everyday Situational French B2 with Annabelle | 24F1 | Online | Monday 9:30 – 11:00am
Advanced Intermediate students perfect their command of French through dialogue, grammar and idiomatic expressions to navigate everyday situations.
Everyday Situational French – Advanced B1+ with Joelle | 24F1 | Online | Monday 10 – 11:30am
“Everyday Situational French” In this conversational class, students gain confidence by developing their vocabulary, practicing “échanges” in grammar and in conversation, while learning about the culture.
“Courts-métrages” B1+ with Julia | 24F1 | In-person | Monday 11:30am-1:00pm
This class is intended for those students who already have a good grasp of the basics and are seeking to improve their listening comprehension and conversational fluency.
Littérature Avancée B2/C1 with Annabelle | 24F1 | Online | Tuesday 10:00 – 11:30am
Fall I Session: September 3 through October 22, 2024 Day and Time: Tuesdays, 10:00 – 11:30 am Location: Online Instructor: […]
“Les Beaux Châteaux de France” B1+ with Gigi | 24F1 | Online | Tuesday 1:00 – 2:30 pm
Students will discover the many styles of famous French castles. Médiéval-Château de Chambord, Château de Carcassonne. Renaissance-Château de Chenonceau, Château de Villandry.